Manure Transport Program


The Manure Transport Program helps cover the cost of transporting manure to farms with low phosphorus fields or to alternative use facilities.  Payments of up to $28 per ton are available to eligible farmers or registered manure brokers.  Go to MDA’s website to find out how to become a registered manure broker.


Haul Now, Apply Later FastTrack Option to Transport Poultry Manure

Farmers who want to switch to poultry manure should check out our Haul Now, Apply Later FastTrack Grants.  With our FastTrack grants, farmers or manure brokers can haul poultry manure now, and apply for cost-share reimbursement later.  Please download an application and claim form from MDA’s website.


Standard Option to Transport Poultry Manure

Our standard transport grants to move poultry manure are still available to eligible farmers or manure brokers.

    • Farmers apply through the Kent Soil and Water Conservation District.
    • Registered manure brokers apply directly to the Maryland Department of Agriculture.
    • The applicant submits a current nutrient management plan that contains:
      • Nitrogen-based nutrient recommendations for fields with a soil phosphorus Fertility Index Value that is 100 or less.
      • Phosphorus-based nutrient recommendations for fields with a soil phosphorus Fertility Index Value between 101 and 150.
    • Receiving farm fields with a phosphorus Fertility Index Value that is greater than 150 are not eligible to participate in this program.


Requirements for Poultry Manure Transport

Farmers or manure brokers may apply for grants to move poultry manure using either a standard application or the Haul Now, Apply Later FastTrack option.  In both instances, the following rules apply:

    • Qualifying farmers or manure brokers receive up to $28 per ton to transport poultry litter.
    • The sending farm must be located in Maryland and raise broiler chickens for one of the participating Delmarva poultry companies.
    • Poultry litter must be transported more than 7 miles from the sending farm.
    • Transported poultry litter must be land applied as a nutrient source for an agricultural crop, OR sent to an approved alternative use facility.
    • Either the farmer or the manure broker (not both) may apply for cost-share reimbursement to transport a load of poultry manure.  This must be worked out ahead of time between the parties.  MDA is not involved in the financial transactions between buyers and sellers.
    • For detailed information about the rules and requirements for the Manure Transport Program, please read the regulations found on MDA’s website.


Grants to Transport Dairy and Livestock Manure

A simplified application process is now in place for dairy and other non-poultry livestock producers who need to move manure:

    • Cost-share grants pay up to 87.5 percent of all eligible costs.
    • Payment rates are based on the transport distance and type of manure, either liquid or solid.
    • Receiving farm fields are required to have a Maryland soil phosphorus Fertility Index Value below 101.
    • Manure must be transported more than 1 mile from the sending source.
    • Only operations receiving the manure may apply for transport grants.
    • Manure must be applied to crops or hay fields containing less than 25 percent legumes.
    • Grants to transport dairy and livestock manure are based on the following maximum application rates: 6,000 gallons per acre for liquid/slurry manure or 10 tons per acre for solid/semi-solid manure.


For more information on the Manure Transport Program, visit the MDA webpage.