The Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts (MASCD) serves as the voice of Maryland's 23 soil and water districts on state legislative issues. All students from K-5 in Kent County are invited to participate in our spring coloring contest. They are given a different agricultural related image each year and they are judged based on their age category. The winner of each age group goes on to be judged at the state level.
2024 Coloring Contest
Every year, Shelly Gsell reaches out to Kent County's public and private school teachers to ask for students' participation in the Coloring Contest. Entries are broken into three age groups: Class A (K-1st), Class B (2nd-3rd), and Class C (4th-5th). Please enjoy our 2024 winning entries.
Phoebe - HHGES
1st Place - Class A
Alivia - RHES
2nd Place - Class A
Link - HHGES
3rd Place - Class A
Marley - HHGES
1st Place - Class B
Mila - Kent School
2nd Place - Class B
Parker - CCA
3rd Place - Class B
Denisse - GALES
1st Place - Class C
Anna - GALES
2nd Place - Class C
3rd Place - Class C
2023 Coloring Contest
It is our great pleasure to announce Kent County's first place winners of the MASCD Coloring Contest. Jenny Freebery presented our three top winners with their ribbons and certificates.